Privacy Practices

We’re living in a digital age, which means sometimes, somewhere you are probably going to visit a website owned or operated by Premier Medical Associates. Just so you know, when you visit one of our websites we do keep and maintain some of your information as part of our everyday business. The kind of information we keep depends on how you use our websites. We want you to rest assured that we respect your privacy, so we have laid out below the types of information we collect and the ways we use it. This policy refers only to the information collected and maintained from Premier Medical Associates’ Websites.


The health-related information and resources on our websites are made available to you for informational purposes only. We’re here to help you get medical advice, not to give it, so none of the information you receive from us should be considered a substitute for professional medical care. Nothing on any of our websites is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Be smart and always seek the advice of your health care provider before beginning any new treatment or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. If you are ill or need immediate medical care, please contact your health care provider or, in an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

We do our best to keep all the information available on our websites as current and accurate as possible, but we make no guarantees and imply no warranty or representation about its accuracy, relevance, timeliness, completeness, or appropriateness for a particular purpose. Information on our websites may be updated at any time and without notice. Each time you access, use, and/or browse any of our websites, you signify your acceptance of this Internet Privacy Policy, including the collection, use, and disclosure of information by Premier Medical Associates as described herein. This Internet Privacy Policy applies to all users of our websites, regardless of whether you are a member of Premier Medical Associates. If you do not accept this Internet Privacy Policy, you are not authorized to access, use, and/or browse our websites and you must immediately discontinue use.

The Types of Information We Collect

Premier Medical Associates collects personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information through your online interactions with our websites. Personally identifiable information is collected from information you provide to us voluntarily and may include, without limitation, your first and last name, address, telephone number, date of birth, username, gender, credit or debit card number, or other payment method.

The non-personally identifiable information that Premier Medical Associates collects about you is aggregated or otherwise does not link to personal contact information, and may include, without limitation, your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, Collection Technology information (as described below), the pages you request, type of device you use, the operating system you use, the type and version of browser you use, your activities while visiting our websites and the content you access or view when using them, the time of your visit, the pages you visit and the time spent, your general geographic location such as the city from which your device is connecting to the Internet, information regarding the websites you visit prior to and after visiting our websites, and information regarding your age, gender, and interests.

How We Collect Information

Premier Medical Associates may collect personally identifiable information that you voluntarily provide to us through your online interactions, such as:

  • Signing up for an email newsletter through our websites.
  • Registering/signing up for classes, meetings, or other events.
  • Filling out an online form on one of our websites to request information.
  • Contacting Premier Medical Associates customer service or support, or providing feedback to Premier Medical Associates; and
  • Creating an online account.

Premier Medical Associates may use this information to send you marketing communications of benefit to you.

Premier Medical Associates may collect non-personally identifiable information through your accessing, using, and browsing of our websites, and other online interactions with Premier Medical Associates and our Websites, in a variety of ways, such as:

  • server log files, which automatically record certain non-personally identifiable information on server logs.
  • cookies, web beacons, pixels, gifs, tags, and other technologies that collect information in similar ways (“Collection Technology”), which may store a piece of data on your browser or device, or may identify, compile, aggregate and/or collect information through other means.
  • other information that you voluntarily provide, if the portion of such information that personally identifies you or any other user is removed; and
  • Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., as described below.

When you visit our websites, your browser or device may be exposed to Collection Technology which may be stored on your browser or device. You may delete and/or refuse the use of certain Collection Technology by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. You may use our websites even if you choose to refuse or delete such Collection Technology; however, please note this may affect your ability to use the full functionality of the Websites.

Our websites may use Google Analytics, which uses Collection Technology to collect and store anonymous information about you, which may include the non-personally identifiable information described above. You can read Google Analytics’ privacy policy at and Google Analytics Terms of Use at

Our websites may use the “Demographics and Interest Reporting” feature of Google Analytics to analyze information regarding the interests and demographics of users of our websites. You can opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics in the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your current web browser at

How We Use Information We Collect

Premier Medical Associates may use your personally identifiable information to provide you with access to your online account; improve your Web experience; complete your registration to participate in classes, meetings, or other events; administer surveys; send you newsletters or information or contact you via e-mail, postal mail, or telephone about your request for information, our services, offers, and news that may be of interest to you, and participation in classes, meetings, or other events; respond to your communications; communicate with you about our services; provide you with customer service and support; and attend to tasks relating to your transactions with Premier Medical Associates.

Premier Medical Associates may use your non-personally identifiable information in many ways, including, without limitation, to administer and improve our websites; analyze website trends and how our websites are used; improve navigation of our websites; analyze the performance of our websites and diagnose problems; and improve the products and services we offer.

Disclosures to Third Parties

We want to reassure you that, Premier Medical Associates will not share, sell, or rent any of your personally identifiable information that we collect, except with your consent or as described in this Internet Privacy Policy. We may share personally identifiable information with third parties whom we engage to perform services on our behalf, under confidentiality or similar agreements, such as administering and processing payments, printing, and shipping ID cards, hosting our websites, communicating with you about offers or other information relevant to Premier Medical Associates, and/or to perform the other tasks that Premier Medical Associates may use personally identifiable information for under this Internet Privacy Policy.

Premier Medical Associates may share personally identifiable information about you in response to or to cooperate with law enforcement, government requests, subpoenas, court orders, or legal process; to respond to your requests for customer service or other information; to enforce or websites’ Terms of Use; to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; or to protect the safety or property of Premier Medical Associates or others. Premier Medical Associates also may share information about you if Premier Medical Associates believes it is necessary to share information to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Premier Medical Associates may share non-personally identifiable information with third parties that Premier Medical Associates reasonably believes need such information or to perform the other tasks that Premier Medical Associates may use non-personally identifiable information for under this Internet Privacy Policy, as well as under the circumstances described in the preceding paragraph.

Protection of Personally Identifiable Information

We take our responsibility to protect your information very seriously. Premier Medical Associates stores information using industry standard, reasonable, and technically feasible physical, technical, and administrative safeguards against foreseeable risks, such as unauthorized access. Please be aware that our websites and data storage are run on software, hardware, and networks, any component of which may, from time to time, require maintenance or experience problems or breaches of security beyond Premier Medical Associates’ control. Premier Medical Associates is not responsible for the acts and omissions of any third parties.

Premier Medical Associates cannot guarantee the security of the information on and sent from our websites. No transmission of data over the Internet is guaranteed to be completely secure. It may be possible for third parties not under the control of Premier Medical Associates to intercept or access transmissions or private communications unlawfully. While we strive to protect your personally identifiable information, Premier Medical Associates cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us over the Internet. Any such transmission is done at your own risk.

Retention of Information Collected

Premier Medical Associates will keep data collected long enough to achieve the specified objective for which the data was collected, and as required for state and federal accountability.

Members Under 14 Years of Age

Premier Medical Associates often covers minor dependents. Should a child under the age of 14 wish to use a service or feature available through a Premier Medical Associates Website that requires registration (e.g., Premier Medical Associates’ Members Portal) their parent or legal guardian must provide online confirmation at the time of registration. Premier Medical Associates does not knowingly collect or use any information from children under the age of 14. If we learn that any persons under 14 have provided information about themselves, the information will be deleted.

Protected Health Information

Premier Medical Associates' Notice of Privacy Practices governs how Premier Medical Associates may use and disclose your Protected Health Information (PHI). Websites that contain PHI are password protected and require individuals to register and log-in. PHI is protected from unauthorized access by multiple layers of security controls and monitoring.

Direct Access to Other Sites

Premier Medical Associates offers direct links to other websites that are independent of Premier Medical Associates’ Websites. Other websites may not follow the same privacy guidelines as Premier Medical Associates. We are not responsible for and have no control over the content, acts, or privacy policies of the websites to which Premier Medical Associates provides direct links. A link to a website does not constitute an endorsement of that website or the entity that controls the website.

Changes to This Internet Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time as we add new features and services, as laws change, and as industry privacy and security best practices evolve. We will indicate the effective date of any revised policy at the top of this page for you to know when there has been a change. Changes apply to the information collected from the date we post the revision, as well as to information we already hold. Your continued use of websites following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes. Please check this policy periodically to learn of any changes.